Tag: NaPoWriMo

In Vino Veritas

Leaving Avignon, a sad “adieu,” Province would, all too soon, become a dream, Settling in ‘en train’, content; we knew we’d long recall these fleeting scenes. Through filmy windows, suddenly all green, My photo lens embraced the verdant pastures, Lime and Kelly shades, like jellybeans… Continue Reading “In Vino Veritas”

Haiku: Precarious Perch

Precarious perch Clinging; gath’ring gust is nigh, Crash – quick and lethal   Written for Studio 30+ using prompt: “Quick and Lethal”  

The Balance of Nature

It hangs so striking, vivid and serene Upon my featured well-lit bedroom wall, I know from years of staring at its theme, Since then I understood: I was appalled. When first I saw the nature scene, it called to me; so pure, authentic, numbered print, I… Continue Reading “The Balance of Nature”

Languid Lagoon

Water surface shines a mirrored scene Enhancing hues and shadows even more than mid-day sun could ever shine, serene, As world slows down a bit upon this shore. Cumulus dust the wispy sky azure, Setting scene for languid summer eve, As crimson echoes beat… Continue Reading “Languid Lagoon”

White Heron Hopes

***************************** Milky plumage bright, Sadly reign o’er lush lagoon, Sunrise Point no more. ********** I took this photograph from the top of “Sunrise Point”, one sun-warmed morning at the Polynesian Village. I didn’t know then what this beautiful white heron may have sensed; that in the… Continue Reading “White Heron Hopes”

Glacier Lake

Centuries of chiseled sharp perfection, Carving out dramatic walls of shear chalk and stone, yet native soil between, To harbor verdant vegetation. An ancient sheet of ice, sat, eons, on the shelf, Creating walled enclosure in its melt the ice-blue thaw, to rest for ages more,… Continue Reading “Glacier Lake”

Dog Days of Spring

Sharply cold, his foot pads on the grass, He scurries frantically to beat the crowd, They, the better vantage point from which to spy and seize the trinkets locked inside. But he with savvy nose and limber bones, Discovers those that hide from humankind,… Continue Reading “Dog Days of Spring”


  As schoolyard beaus they shared a trance-like smile, ‘cross the expanse, mere sight lines through the fence, Her goal; to reach his heart-space without guile, To share a glance of innocence (impulsive child)! By time they reached the ripe, old age of ten… Continue Reading “Fortuity”

April’s Opus

Tinkling wind chimes beat the rhythm of the breeze, Tempo sets for cardinal calls and woodpecker rat-a-tats. Delicate doves swoop in tandem, gathering fallen seeds, Wings aflutter and cooing their ‘mourning’ song. Canada geese join in the chorus, squawking loudly Their raucous return to nearby Gregory’s… Continue Reading “April’s Opus”

An Easter Ditty

Brightly colored, named and set aside, For Easter bunny pranks and searching fun, Each year the giggling chorus starts outside, Cacophony of happiness, boys undone. I spy with my sharp eye an aqua orb, Nestled on a tree trunk, perched just so, I’ll leave… Continue Reading “An Easter Ditty”

Time After Time

Images conflate, though tossed and torn, Long since forgotten, left on hooks, Wrenched away from neural nooks of memory, hanging bare, forlorn. Which rested dormant through the years, Outliving weddings, day-to-days of married bliss, They hid, obscured, through nights and years of tears, Outliving schooldays,… Continue Reading “Time After Time”

Happy “Birth” Day

“Winter seemed reluctant to release its hold”, and yet his sister, Spring, crept near, A quickening within, imbued a calming peace, I teetered on the brink; embraced my fear. Months of wafting breezes through the sheers, Unfolding rainbows, blinking on the billows, Nestled soft… Continue Reading “Happy “Birth” Day”