Across the Bridge

Come, take my hand

and walk with me,

hushed within the winding paths

and vines, spell-binding.

Come take my hand.

Come walk with me;

escape to days when ways

were gentler, softer, loftier

than they seem today.

Come, walk with me.

Come reminisce, step back,

into the past, across the pastel bridge

of sighs and billowed, rising

from lily-laden pond below.

Come, reminisce.

Come, breathe with me.

Inhale the cool, moist mist

emoting from floating

lily pods below.

Come, breathe with me.

Come walk with me,

two once-young lovers, still content

to, hand in hand, review

and gay renew their grand affair.

Come walk with me.

Photo Friday: #walk

While dining, waterside, at Rat’s, located on the Grounds for Sculpture in Hamilton Township, one cannot help but be transported to Claude Monet’s exquisite garden in his beloved town of Giverny, France. This photo is one of many I shot that lovely afternoon – each scene more evocative than the last.

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