Tag: Bandit

An Unexpected Gift

T’was nights before Christmas…(which scarf shall I wear)? Snow scenes sprinkled broadly or red-green silk threads Perplexed, which to choose, perhaps I’d defer to simple Noel pin with garnets, instead. My choices strewn carelessly on my made bed, I turned for a moment to… Continue Reading “An Unexpected Gift”

The Pushover

I hardly notice anymore or check His soft-click pitter-patter, at my side, My challenge: “stay” when leaving for a sec, Seems all for naught, he hears “stay near” instead. Or if perchance I move from couch to bed, He pounces up to snuggle in… Continue Reading “The Pushover”

Morning Ritual

He wakes at dawn with lust for life and glee, Shaking off the night shades, jingling tags (the clinking of his collar) call to me: “Wake up and join me, see my tail’s a wag.” Bounding down the first flight, waits; while I with… Continue Reading “Morning Ritual”

Face in the Window

Peering out, he sees me stride away, He doesn’t cry or whimper, merely stares, wide-eyed and droopy-eared, he bids me stay without a word, he knows that I’m aware. Alas, I scurry off to market square, With tasks and shopping lists (suburban churn), He’ll… Continue Reading “Face in the Window”

Bandit’s Soft Spot

The photo of my overly anxious puppy, securing his favorite spot atop my ‘work-in-progress’, knitted afghan, seems a perfect response to today’s Photo Friday prompt: Soft.

Orange Marmelade

Orange you glad that …the Weekly Photo Challenge asked us for a collection in which the color orange, is either the subject of, or the accent to, the photographs. My selection runs the gamut from wine labels and wildlife in the backyard to hand crafted mosaics, rowboats and (of course) my Pet Pooch. Enjoy!


A walk in the woods, as seen through the eyes of my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, choosing to heed my call, instead of romping freely through the leaves.

On a Walk (Photo Friday)

Depth of Field, A Gallery of Favorites

A gallery of my photographs that utilize depth of field to focus on and accentuate the subject.  From macro shots of flowers in bloom, blurring surrounding foliage and contrasting vines into the background, to goldfinch pairs busily attacking a backyard feed, and finally to… Continue Reading “Depth of Field, A Gallery of Favorites”

Summertime (Photo Friday: Simplicity)

*****   Lazy, languid morn, Dampened, sparkling blades of green A dogs life… indeed! ***** I marvel at the calm serenity I feel on viewing this photo – a simple snapshot of my Cavie’s first trip to the back yard on this dew-dampened morning.… Continue Reading “Summertime (Photo Friday: Simplicity)”

Shadows of Time: Photo-Haiku Trilogy

 1. Sundial Shadows Endless ages pass, Casting shadows on this face, Marking time of man. *************** 2. Tree Trunk Through the Shadows Through the shadowed arch, Time-weathered, lonely tree-trunk Straggled, scraggled, stands. ********** 3. Shadow Bandit In the shadows, Waiting for a time of warmth,… Continue Reading “Shadows of Time: Photo-Haiku Trilogy”

Dog Days of Spring

Sharply cold, his foot pads on the grass, He scurries frantically to beat the crowd, They, the better vantage point from which to spy and seize the trinkets locked inside. But he with savvy nose and limber bones, Discovers those that hide from humankind,… Continue Reading “Dog Days of Spring”