Empty Nest

We were warm and nestled in our bed
this morning, filled with life and joyous song,
Until she left, without a pat on head,
Confused that she’d abandoned us, alone.

She spread her wings toward the ether zone,
She ne’er looked back to heed her fledglings’ cries,
We only know that we’re not fully grown,
We’re not prepared to test our wings in flight.

The dampness of the dawning morning light
Reminds us that we’re hungry and we’re cold,
Yet she’s not here, alone we huddle tight
Our fate unknown (but soon it will unfold).

Against the golden sun, a welcomed sound,
As toward the nest she flutters, homeward bound.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Evanescent

This photo was taken one morning at our bed-and-breakfast in Cape May.  Awaking to the sounds of urgent chirping, I discovered this abandoned nest, just outside our window, sitting precariously amid the wiry protuberance designed to discouraged such inhabitants.  Then, literally, out of the blue, mom returned to her hungry brood.

5 Comments on “Empty Nest

    • Yes – poor little birds wondering where mom went, chirping their little hearts out. They received their mom and food and truly it was food for my soul, just watching!
      Thank you for commenting.

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