Crash and Carry: Christmas Couture

Christmas Couture (Photography by Joanne Edith)
Christmas Couture (Photography by Joanne Edith)


Just one more string

One more connection

Almost time to power up


What a revoltin’ development

Reflexes revolt and betray

Slick! Slip! Slam! Smack! Crack!

C(r)ash and Carry…Cast and Crutches!


Written in response to weekend Trifextra Challenge (; prompt “rebellion and/ or revolt”.

Yesterday, my inspiration for this challenge came unexpectedly, after I suddenly slipped while trying to get my Christmas lights up and lit (to surprise hubby when he got home.) He was surprised…as he and my son-in-law lifted me from the floor and carried me to the car. I can only imagine how humorous a sight that must have been, as they gently shoveled me into the back seat. Many hours later in the ER, the diagnosis: broken fibula and torn tendon, requiring surgery.

On a brighter note, I expect my grandsons will have a ball decorating my cast!

17 Comments on “Crash and Carry: Christmas Couture

  1. Oh no!!! I’m so sorry! That sounds terribly painful. 😦 Side note: your use of the word “shovel” here killed me. Feel better soon!


    • Thank you. As the “shovel-ee”, that was exactly how it felt, but I was relieved to be out of sight of the neighbors. I guess I’ll have more dedicated time to write now.📝
      Thank you for your always-interesting prompts.


  2. Oh my goodness! I’m glad you weren’t more seriously hurt. I knew putting up Christmas lights was back-breaking work, but now I know the legs weren’t safe, either 🙂

    I bet you will have one very colorful cast when your grandchildren get done with it. I hope you post a picture of the 3-D artwork!


    • Great idea…..yes I certainly will. I am always rushing around multitasking…if I’d been more careful,…oh we’ll…what’s done is done. I can’t wait to see how the Christmas tree gets erected, lit and decorated…usually my project. This forced hiatus will teach me a lesson in letting go.


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