Friends’ Farewell


In this dark place for so long

Alone, save a roll of Kodachrome

faded blue polishing cloth, 

Once used to lovingly brush away intruding 

Microscopic specs of dust.


And yet today – a sliver of light

Persistently permeating 

The tiny vents of my protective prison

Beaming through a loose louver

Into this leather encasement 


Is this my rescue from darkness?

To, once again, capture, record, interpret? 

This dark, lonely space – soon a memory?

At long last, liberation?   

Raison d’etre fulfilled?


Hope wanes quickly now

After years of forgotten promise 

Profound realization

Post-mortem pending  

I see her clearly now – with another.



Bedecked in cyrillic blue

The superficial chasm of comparison ever-widening

Sharing this drear destiny with my Kodachrome cassette

The fate of this old, manual SLR, now fully revealed   

I, Dinosaur!



This was written in response to Trifecta Challenge:  Word Prompt:  Dinosaur

6 Comments on “Friends’ Farewell

  1. Ahahaha! I have one of those dinosaurs, too. I bought it just when digital was becoming the big rage, but I defiantly told everyone that I’d stick to my old ways, that nothing could replace the satisfaction of developing film. Nothing, except perhaps being able to shoot 100 frames without wasting a penny on the 99 that turn out crappy.

    Thanks for linking up!


    • Yes…I can’t bear to part with it…I knew how to bracket each scene…manage exposures, etc. I’m happy to be I god company with a fellow dinosaur lover. Thanks for you comment!


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